Free JavaScript Basics from Scratch Certification 2022

JavaScript Basics from Scratch: In this course, you will learn the concepts of variables and datatypes, conditionals, loops, arrays, objects and functions in JavaScript with Video Lectures and Coding Problems.

JavaScript Basics from Scratch Certification 2022

1. Variables & Datatypes

  1. Session Overview
  2. Setting up the Coding Environment
  3. Start Coding in JavaScript (Part I)
  4. Start Coding in JavaScript (Part II)
  5. Logging into Browser – console.log Function
  6. Literals & Variables (Part I)
  7. Literals & Variables (Part II)
  8. Operators
  9. Operators – Precedence & Associativity
  10. Data Types – Strings
  11. Concatenation & Length of Strings
  12. Type Coercion
  13. Conversion Between String & Number Type
  14. Boolean, Null & Undefined
  15. Practice Questions

2. Conditionals & Loops

  1. Session Overview
  2. Truthy and Falsy
  3. if & if..else
  4. if…else…if
  5. Ternary Operator
  6. Nested if…else
  8. while Loop
  9. for Loop

3. Arrays, Objects & Functions

  1. Session Overview
  2. Arrays
  3. Arrays – Properties & Methods
  4. Objects
  5. Accessing Keys of Objects
  6. More on Objects
  7. Functions
  8. Functions (contd..)
  9. Methods
  10. Practice Questions

4. Basic JavaScript

  • Session Overview
  • Program, Programming, Programmer
  • How JavaScript Works on Web?
  • Logging Into Browser – alert & clear Functions
  • Variable Declaration & Initialization
  • Manipulating Variables
  • Understanding Operators
  • String Literals
  • Conditionals – if & if..else
  • Conditionals – if…else…if
  • Usage of Curly Braces & Dangling else Problem
  • Conditionals – Ternary Operator
  • Conditionals – Nested if…else
  • Conditionals –
  • Loop – while
  • Loop – for
  • for and while Loops – Interchangeable?
  • Understanding Arrays
  • Window Object
  • Understanding Functions

Free JavaScript Basics from Scratch Certification

Free JavaScript Basics from Scratch Certification 2022
Free JavaScript Basics from Scratch Certification 2022

Happy Learning – If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.

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Saurav Hathi

Saurav Hathi

I'm currently studying Bachelor of Computer Science at Lovely Professional University in Punjab.

πŸ“Œ Nodejs and Android 😎
πŸ“Œ Java

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