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Commonly Asked C++ Interview Question

Commonly Asked C++ Interview Question

Ans: C C++ C is a procedure-oriented programming language. C++ is an object-oriented programming language. Function and operator overloading are not supported in C Function and operator overloading is supported in C++ calloc() and malloc() functions are used for memory…

Automata [CSE 322] Handwritten Notes Pdf Download

Automata [CSE 322] Handwritten Notes Pdf download

Introduction to Automata: The Methods Introduction to Finite Automata, Structural Representations, Automata and Complexity. Proving Equivalences about Sets, The Contrapositive, Proof by Contradiction, Inductive Proofs: General Concepts of Automata Theory: Alphabets Strings, Languages, Applications of Automata Theory. Finite Automata: The…

Cyber Security Handwritten Notes Pdf

Cyber Security Handwritten Notes Pdf

UNIT -IIntroduction to Cyber Security: Basic Cyber Security Concepts, layers of security,Vulnerability, threat, Harmful acts, Internet Governance – Challenges and Constraints,Computer Criminals, CIA Triad, Assets and Threat, motive of attackers, active attacks,passive attacks, Software attacks, hardware attacks, Cyber Threats-Cyber Warfare,…

[Solved] Valid Initial Configuration with Java

[Solved] Valid Initial Configuration with Java

Valid Initial Configuration: Nurikabe logical game (sometimes called Islands in the Stream) is a binary determination puzzle. The puzzle is played on a typically rectangular grid of cells, some of which contain numbers. You must decide for each cell if…

[Solved] Floyd Warshall’s algorithm with C

[Solved] Floyd Warshall's algorithm with C

Write a Program to implement Floyd Warshall’s algorithm. Input and Output Format:Refer sample input and output.[All text in bold corresponds to input and the rest corresponds to output]  Sample Input and Output:Enter the number of nodes in the graph6Enter the…

DML MySQL Basic Select – Query Writing

DML MySQL Basic Select - Query Writing

1. Write a query to display the entire contents of the ‘electricity_connection_type’.Display the records in ascending order based on their connection name. select * from electricity_connection_type order by connection_name 2. Write a query to display the entire contents of the…