Vinay is a student of Engineering college. Since it was time for his college fest he was associated with a task to keep the records of all the events organised. He was finding it difficult to manage the records about the event details manually so he thought of writing a code to keep the record of all the events and other details. Vinay started coding but he is finding bit difficult to get along with it. Help Vinay to write a code according to his requirements (specified in Input format).
Create a class named Event in ‘’ which has the following attributes,
Attributes | Datatype |
name | str |
detail | str |
type | str |
organiser | str |
attendees_count | int |
projected_expenses | float |
Hint :
Include __init__() constructor
def __init__(self,name,detail,type,organiser,attendees_count,projected_expenses)
Create main file ‘’
Obtain input from the user.
Create a new object for the class Event from the input and display the details by __str__() method.
Note: Display single digit after a decimal point.
Input Format:
Input consists of 4 strings indicating Event name, event details, event type and Event organiser name.
Followed by an integer value indicating count of people who attended the event.
And a double value indicating the projected expenses.
Output Format:
The output displays all the details of the event taken as Inputs from user.
Refer Input and Output formats for better understanding.
[All text in bold corresponds to the input and rest corresponds to output]
Sample Input/Output:
Enter the Event Name
Book expo
Enter the Event Details
special discount sale
Enter the Event Type
Enter the Organiser Name
Enter the Attendees Count
Enter the Projected Expense
Name: Book expo
Detail: special discount sale
Type: Reading
Organiser: Ramachandran
Attendees Count: 25
Projected Expense: 5000.0
NameError: name ‘raw_input’ is not defined
change ‘raw_input’ to input
class Event:
def __init__(self, name, detail, type, organiser, attendees_count, projected_expenses): = name
self.detail = detail
self.type = type
self.organiser = organiser
self.attendees_count = attendees_count
self.projected_expenses = projected_expenses
def __str__(self):
return "Name: {}\nDetail: {self.detail}\nType: {self.type}\nOrganiser: {self.organiser}\nAttendees Count: {self.attendees_count}\nProjected Expense:{self.projected_expenses:.1f}".format(self=self)
from Event import Event
print("Enter the Event Name")
name = raw_input()
print("Enter the Event Details")
detail = raw_input()
print("Enter the Event Type")
type = raw_input()
print("Enter the Organiser Name")
organiser = raw_input()
print("Enter the Attendees Count")
attendees_count = int(input())
print("Enter the Projected Expense")
projected_expenses = float(input())
# pass vakue to class
obj = Event(name, detail, type, organiser, attendees_count, projected_expenses)

Happy Learning – If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
i am getting error