Data Cleaning by str() Method – Python Pandas

Jahnavi is going to manage the event data. She is having the data as dataframe, and her manager wants to print the data as customer name with their booking month of the event. So help Jahnavi to print the data as customer name and the month from the date.

Data Cleaning by str() Method

The following is the 2D format for the dataframe: customer_name, address, date, eventType, cost, noOfPeople Here eventType is described as marriage, get together, and mehndi.
Note: Here the date is in the format of dd/MM/yyyy. Filled the data in the dataframe as the CSV file, in above format.

Input Format:

For sample data frame, see the attached CSV file.

Output Format:

The output is the dataframe with customer name and month of the event booking.

Description of the Sample Input/Output 1: Sample Dataframe:

dataFrame1.csv (input)

Vikram, Hebbal, 20/08/2018, marriage, 40000, 400
Sachin, Indore, 14/04/2019, mehndi, 75000, 700
Amit, Bhopal, 24/09/2019, marriage, 20000, 600
Ankita, Delhi, 13/11/2019, mehndi, 85000, 850


The output is the dataframe with customer name and month of the event booking:
cust_name mon
0 Vikram 8
1 Sachin 4
2 Amit 9
3 Ankita 11

dataFrame2.csv (input)



The output is the dataframe with customer name and month of the event booking:

cust_name mon
0 Vicky 8
1 Sakshi 3
2 Amit 1
3 Ankita 12
4 Vikas 3
5 Santosh 10


import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("dataFrame3.csv")

df['mon'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']).dt.month

print(df[["cust_name", "mon"]])
Data Cleaning by str() Method - Python Pandas

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Saurav Hathi

Saurav Hathi

I'm currently studying Bachelor of Computer Science at Lovely Professional University in Punjab.

📌 Nodejs and Android 😎
📌 Java

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