1 A strategy where bad moves are not allowed
- Hill climbing
- Greedy search
- OR search
- A*
Ans: A
2. A strategy which considers all possible moves from present state
- Simple hill climbing
- Gradient search
Ans: A
3. Backtracking occurs in
- Simple hill climbing
- Gradient search
Ans : B
4. A variation of hill climbing which helps in dealing with hill climbing drawbacks
- OR search
- Simulated annealing
- A*
Ans : C
5. Backtracking is not applicable in
- Generate and test
- Hill climbing
- All of these
Ans: (c) Hill climbing
6. An uninformed strategy that combines BFS and DFS is
- Bidirectional search
- Greedy search
- Best first search
- Iterative deepening DFS
Ans: (d) Iterative deepening DFS
7. An informed strategy that combines BFS and DFS is
- Bidirectional search
- Steepest-ascent hill climbing
- Best first search
- iterative deepening DFS
Ans: (c) Best first search
8. Although having a higher hill in the same domain, if the algorithm gets stuck at lower hill because of orientation, this issue is called
- local maxima
- plateau
- ridge
- local minima
Ans: (a) local maxima
9. Simulated annealing becomes identical to simple hill climbing, provided
- T=1
- T=0
- T=0.5
- T= infinity
Ans: (b) T= 0
10. Which search strategy is also termed as a gradient search
- Bidirectional search
- Steepest-ascent hill climbing
- Best first search
- iterative deepening DFS
11. Which of the following is a valid set of connectives in propositional logic?
Ans: (a)
12. Which of the following is not a knowledge representation technique?
- Turing logic
- Propositional logic
- Predicate logic
- First order logic
Ans: (a) Turing logic
13. Which of the following is not a knowledge representation technique?
- Zero order logic
- Propositional logic
- Predicate logic
- First order logic
Ans: (a) Zero order logic
14. Give the “isa” representation of the sentence, “All Punjabis are Indians.”
- isa(Punjabi, Indian)
- isa(Indian, Punjabi)
- Vx: isa(x, Punjabi)isa(x, Indian)
- Isa(x, Punjabi) Isa(x, Indian)
Ans: (c)
15. Give the predicate representation of the sentence, “Students support the teachers they are faithful to”.
- Vx vy: student(x) A teacher(y) A Support(x, y)- faithfulto(x, y)
- vx Iy: student(x) A teacher(y) A support(x, y)-faithfulto(x, y)
- 3x vy: Student(x) A teacher(y) A Support(x, y)- faithfulto(x, y)
- vx vy: student(x) teacher(y) A support(x, y) sfaithfulto(x, y)
Ans: (b)
16. The following diagram means

- John took car from Bill.
- John gave his car to Bill.
- Bill sold his car to John.
- John sold his car to Bill
Ans : (d) John sold his car to Bill
17. In the field of medicines a very famous expert system used for medical diagnosis
Ans : (a) MYSIN
18. Backward and forward chaining are ________ and________ respectively.
- Goal-driven, goal-driven
- Goal-driven, data-driven
- Data-driven, goal-driven
- Data-driven, data-driven
Ans: (b) Goal-driven, data-driven
19. Bayes’ rule is utilized
- In finding solutions for queries
- For the situations involving less complexity
- For the situations involving more complexity
- To answer probabilistic query
Ans : (d) To answer probabilistic query
20. Which CD primitive could be used for a doctor who is deciding which medicine to prescribe to the patient?
Ans: (b) MBUILD
21. The following diagram relates to:

- Every dog in town has bitten the constable.
- Every dog in town has bitten a constable.
- Every dog in town has bitten every constable.
- The dog in town has bitten a constable.
Ans : (a) Every dog in town has bitten the constable.
22. Bayesian probability is applicable to situations having,
a) Any number of events
b) One event
c) Two events
d) Three events
- only b
- only c
- only d
- All a), b), C), d)
Ans : only C
23. The following diagram relates to:

- Every dog has bitten the postman.
- The dog has bitten a postman.
- The dog has bitten the postman.
- Every dog has bitten a postman.
Ans: Every dog has bitten a postman.
24. Out of the following systems, which one/ones is/are autonomous?
- Expert systems
- Decision-tree based systems
- Rule-based expert systems
- All of the above
Ans: (d) All of the above
25. If the value of belief is 0.7, what could be the value of plausibility?
- 0.3
- 0.7
- 0.9
- 0.2
Ans: (b) 0.7
26. Choose the correct statement in the context of Minimax Algorithm
- Max tries to maximize its utility and Min tries to minimize its utility.
- Max tries to maximize its utility and Min tries to minimize Max’s utility.
- Max tries to maximize its utility and minimize Min’s utility.
- Min tries to maximize its utility and minimize Max’s utility
Ans: (a) Max tries to maximize its utility and Min tries to minimize its utility.
27. Choose the correct path as per the Minimax Algorithm in the following game tree if Max makes the first move.
- A-B-F
- A-D-J
- A-C-I
- A-B-E
Ans: (c) A-C-I
28. Which of the following correctly represents the components of NLP?
- Processing of written text & processing of spoken language
- Tokenization, Stemming, & Lemmatization
- Natural Language Understanding & Natural Language Generation
- Tokens, Lexemes, & Syntax
Ans: (c) Natural Language Understanding & Natural Language Generation
29. Meaning of a sentence by looking at preceding and/or succeeding sentences is evaluated in
- Pragmatic analysis
- Discourse integration
- Semantic analysis
- Lemmatization
Ans: (b) Discourse integration
30. Alpha in the Alpha-Beta Pruning is_ on the value that a max node may ultimately be assigned.
- Average bound
- Lower bound
- Upper bound
- Tight bound
Ans: (c) Upper bound
31. Alpha-Beta Pruning is a procedure to prune-off of the game tree to be traversed.
- Nodes having utility values as infinity.
- Nodes having less utility values corresponding to Max’s move.
- Nodes having high utility values corresponding to Min’s move.
- irrelevant node
Ans: (a) Nodes having utility values as infinity.
32. Types of spell errors in NLP are
- Typographic, orthorhombic, Phonographic
- Typographic, orthorhombic, Phonetic
- Typographic, orthographic, Phonographic
- Typographic, orthographic, Phonetic
Ans: (a) Typographic, orthographic, Phonographic
33. Beta in the Alpha-Beta Pruning is ______ on the value that a min node may ultimately be assigned.
- Average bound
- Lower bound
- Upper bound
- Tight bound
Ans: (b) Lower bound
34. Which of the following correctly represents the ambiguities in NLP?
- Lexical, semantic, & referential
- Syntax, semantic, & referential
- Lexical, syntax, & semantic
- Lexical, syntax, & referential
Ans: (a) Lexical, semantic, & referential
35. What will be the levenshtein distance if “ARTFISHIAL” is converted into “ARTIFICIAL” using minimum edit distance technique?
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 0
Ans: 3
36. Choose the most appropriate statement regarding the digital computer and neural network.
- Digital computer works on deductive reasoning and neural network works on inductive reasoning.
- Digital computer works on inductive reasoning and neural network works on deductive reasoning.
- Both digital computer and neural network work on inductive reasoning.
- Both digital computer and neural network work on deductive reasoning
Ans: (a) Digital computer works on deductive reasoning and neural network works on inductive reasoning.
37. Choose the most appropriate statement regarding the digital computer and neural network.
- Digital computer is applicable with complicated rules and neural network is applicable with well-defined rules.
- Digital computer is applicable with well-defined rules and neural network is applicable with complicated rules.
- Both digital computer and neural network are applicable with well-defined rules.
- Both digital computer and neural network are applicable with complicated rules.
Ans: (b) Digital computer is applicable with well-defined rules and neural network is applicable with complicated rules.
38. Which operator in the genetic algorithm evolves the next generation?
- Refraction
- Mutation
- Reproduction
- Crossover
Ans: (b) Mutation
39. What will be the input (Xwb) to Activation Function in the following Perceptron?
Ans: c
40. Which operator in the genetic algorithm swaps the portions of two selected chromosomes?
- Refraction
- Mutation
- Reproduction
- Crossover
Ans: (d) Crossover
41. Which type of machine learning is represented by the following diagram?
- Unsupervised
- Reinforcement
- Supervised
- Reimplement
Ans: (b) Reinforcement
42. Choose the correct statement.
- Logical “AND” is a linearly separable problem and logical “OR” is a non-linearly separable problem.
- Logical “AND” is a non-linearly separable problem and logical “OR is a linearly separable problem.
- Both logical “AND and logical “OR are non-linearly separable problems.
- Both logical “AND” and logical “OR” are linearly separable problems
Ans: (d) Both logical “AND” and logical “OR” are linearly separable problems
43. Which equation corresponds to the following Activation Function?

Ans: c
44. Choose the correct statement corresponding to the following diagrams:

- Left diagram is a conventional computer and right diagram is a Turing machine.
- Right diagram is a conventional computer and left diagram is a Turing machine.
- Left diagram is a conventional computing model and right diagram is a machine learning model
- Right diagram isa conventional computing model and left diagram is a machine learning model.
Ans: Left diagram is a conventional computing model and right diagram is a machine learning model
45. Which search implements stack operation for searching the states.
- Depth-limited search
- Depth-first search
- Breadth-first search
- None of the mentioned
Ans : (b) Depth-first search
46. When is the breath-first search is optimal?
- When there is less number of nodes
- None of the options is correct.
- When all step costs are unequal
- When all step costs are equal
Ans : (d) When all step costs are equal
47. In which agent does the problem generator be present?
- Learning agent
- Observing agent
- Reflex agent
- goal agent
Ans : (a) Learning agent
48. Which search implements queue operation for searching the states?
- Depth-limited search
- Depth-first search
- Breadth-first search
- None of the mentioned
Ans: (c) Breadth-first search
49. Depth-first search always expands the __ node in the current fringe of the search tree.
- Shallowest
- Child node
- Deepest
- Minimum cost
Ans : (c) Deepest
50. What is the heuristic function of greedy best-first search?
- f(n) != h(n)
- f(n) < h(n)
- f(n) = h(n)
- f(n) > h(n)
Ans: (c) f(n) = h(n)
51. Which of the following path is used as A* search algorithm for given problem from start node (S) to goal node (G).
- If estimated cost of node A is= h(A) = 55 and for node B is = h(B) = 60.
- S > A > G
- S > B > G
- Does not provide any solution
Given Information is insufficient
52 .N-grams are defined as the combination of N keywords together. How many bi-grams can be generated from a given sentence:
“Analytics Vidhya is great source to learn data science”
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Ans: (a) 7
53: Which one of the following is not a starting/pre-processing step of natural language processing?
- Stemming
- removing punctuation
- removal of stop words
- Sentiment analysis
Ans: Sentiment analysis
54. Machine learning is a subset of which of the following…
- optimization
- artificial intelligence
- deep learning
- all options are wrong
Ans :
55. What is Machine Translation?
- Converts one human language to another
- Converts human language to machine language
- Converts any human language to English
- Converts Machine language to human language
56. In………………………………..artificial neural network, loop can be used.
- feed forward
- feed backward
- both feedback and feed forward
- all option are wrong
57. The complexity of minimax algorithm is……….if ”b” is the branching factor and “d” is the depth
- Time – O(bd) and space – O(bd)
- Space – O(bd) and time – O(bd)
- Time – O(bd) and space – O(bd)
- Same as BFS
58. N-grams are defined as the combination of N keywords together. How many bi-grams can be generated from a given sentence:
“Analytics Vidhya is great source to learn data science”
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
59. Which one of the following is not a starting/pre-processing step of natural language processing?
- Stemming
- removing punctuation
- removal of stop words
- Sentiment analysis
60. How given sentence represented using Bigram model? “I like Indian food”
- {(I, like),(like, Indian),(Indian, food)}
- {(I),(like, Indian),(Indian, food)}
- {(I, like),(Indian, food)}
- {(I, like),(like, Indian),(food)}
61. Machine learning is a subset of which of the following…
- optimization
- artificial intelligence
- deep learning
- all options are wrong
62. Based on given scan images of a person, doctor has to decide that patient is suffering from tumor or not.
This is an example of…………………..
- Regression ML algorithm
- Classification ML algorithm
- both classification and regression
- neither classification nor regression ML problem
63. The fundamental unit of network is
- brain
- nucleus
- neuron
- axon
64. Which of the following operation is responsible from one hill to another hill in genetic algorithm?
- mutation
- selection
- crossover
- fitness function
65. Clustering is a type of …………………………..machine learning(ML).
- Supervised ML
- Unsupervised ML
- both supervised and unsupervised ML
- semi-supervised ML
66. In………………………………..artificial neural network, loop can be used.
- feed forward
- feed backward
- both feedback and feed forward
- all option are wrong
67. Which of the following is not a basic operation to generate new population in genetic algorithm?
- selection
- multiplication
- crossover
- mutation
68. Output of regression ML algorithm is………………………..and output of classification ML algorithm is……………….
- continuous, continuous
- discrete, discrete
- continuous, discrete
- discrete, continuous
69. Which of the following path is used as Best First Search algorithm for given problem from start node (S) to goal node (G).
If estimated cost of node A is= h(A) = 55 and for node B is = h(B) = 60.
- S > A > G
- S > B > G
- Does not provide any solution
- Given Information is insufficient
70. ____________ are mathematical problems defined as a set of objects whose state must satisfy a number of constraints or limitations.
- constraints satisfaction problems
- uninformed search problems
- local search problems
- all options are correct
71. Two simultaneous searches from an initial node to goal node and backward from goal node to initial node, stopping when two meet is an example of…………………….
- Depth First Search
- Best First Search
- Bidirectional Search
- All the options are correct
72. If P= Ram is a doctor and
Q= Ram has clinic in Jalandhar
Then proposition logic representation of:
Ram is a doctor and his clinic is in Jalandhar.
- P ᴧ Q
- P v Q
- P=Q
- All options are wrong
74. A technique that was developed to determine whether a machine could or could not demonstrate the artificial intelligence known as the………
- Boolean Algebra
- Turing Test
- Logarithm
- Algorithm
75. A technique that was developed to determine whether a machine could or could not demonstrate the artificial intelligence known as the………
- Boolean Algebra
- Turing Test
- Logarithm
- Algorithm
76. In which algorithm downhill move is allowed.
- Simple hill climbing
- Steepest ascent hill climbing
- Stimulated annealing
- All options are incorrect.
77. Which of the mentioned point are not valid with respect to a Propositional Logic?
- In propositional Logic, each sentence is a declarative sentence
- In propositional logic, the sentence can have answers other than True or False
- Propositional Logic is a type of knowledge representation in AI
- None of the mentioned
78. An algorithm A is admissible if _
- It is not guaranteed to return an optimal solution when one exists
- It is guaranteed to return an optimal solution when one exists
- It returns more solutions, but not an optimal one
- It guarantees to return more optimal solutions
79. If MB(h,s1)= 0.5, MD(h,s1) =0 and MB(h,s2)= 0.5 in certainty factor based rule system then what will be the value of MB(h, s1^s2)?
- 1.1
- 0.25
- 2.3
- 0.75
80. Which of the following is/are correct advantages of Semantic nets?
- Easy to understand
- Efficient in space requirement
- Easy to visualize
- All options are correct
81. Meaning of filler is ………………and slot is………………………..in “slot and filler structures”.
- Attribute’s value, attribute
- Attribute, attribute’s value
- Problem, solution
- Vacant space, solution
82. If in a rule based system MB(h,s)= 0.8 and MD(h,s) =0.2 then what is the value of certainty factor (CF)?
- 1
- 0.6
- 1.6
- -0.2
83. Semantic Nets used………………………kind of graph?
- Directed Graph
- Directed Acyclic Graph
- Directed cyclic graph
- All the options are wrong
84. If there is a query regarding the colour of a car and Belief(car is not black)= 0.3 then what will be Plausibility(car is black).
- 0.3
- 0.1
- 0.7
- 0.5
85. if we move a part of our body then we use…………….. action primitive in conceptual dependency (CD)
86. What is the limitation of Bayes’ theorem based AI system?
- It needs large memory.
- Large dataset is required for better accuracy.
- Large time is required to compute the transition probability tables.
- All the options are correct.
87. If the Belief-BEL(A) is 0.65 then what could be the value of plausibility-PEL(A)?
- 0.4
- 0
- 0.75
- 0.6
88. What are two ways to infer using semantic networks?
- Intersection Search and Inheritance Search
- Inheritance Search and relational search
- Intersection Search and relational Search
- Intersection Search and binary Search
Ans: (d) Intersection Search and binary Search
89. __________ is the process for reducing inflected words to their root form in Natural Language Processing.
- Rooting
- Stemming
- N-Gram
- Error Correction
Ans: (b) Stemming
90. The Bag-of-Words approach….
- keeps word order, disregards word multiplicity
- keeps word order, keeps word multiplicity
- disregards word order, keeps word multiplicity
- disregards word order, disregards word multiplicity
Ans: (c) disregards word order, keeps word multiplicity
91. Natural language processing is divided into the two subfields of –
- symbolic and numeric
- algorithmic and heuristic
- time and motion
- understanding and generation
Ans: (d) understanding and generation
92. What is Machine Translation?
- Converts one human language to another
- Converts human language to machine language
- Converts any human language to English
- Converts Machine language to human language
Ans: (b) Converts human language to machine language
93. Time complexity of alpha-beta pruning algorithm is …………in ideal case and …………in worst case.
- O(bd) , O(bd)
- O(bd) , O(bd/2)
- O(bd/2) , O(bd)
- O(bd/2) , O(bd)
Ans: (c) O(bd/2) , O(bd)
94. How many bi-grams can be generated from a given sentence:
“Chandigarh is a city of Punjab”
- 4
- 7
- 6
- 5
Ans: (c) 5 (https://onlinetexttools.com/generate-text-bigrams)
95. In NLP, The process of identifying people, an organization from a given sentence, paragraph is called
- Stemming
- Lemmatization
- Stop word removal
- Named entity recognition
Ans: (d) Named entity recognition
96. Is optimality and completeness exist in bidirectional search algorithm?
- Yes, Yes
- No, Yes
- Yes, No
- No, No
Ans : A
97. The role of _———–is to specify which rule to apply next during the
process of searching for a solution to a problem.
- Control strategy
- Production system
- Problem domain
- State space
Ans : A
98. Choose the correct statement /statements?
S1:Breadth-first search is considered optimal when all step costs are equal?
S2: Space complexity of DFS is O(b^d)
- Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is true
- Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false
- Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true
- Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is false
Ans : D
99. Branching factor is defined as_____?
- The shortest path from the initial state to the goal state’s length.
- The average number of children in the search space.
- A property of an algorithm to always find an optimal solution
- None of the given options
Ans : B
100. Which of the following is the most basic technique for planning algorithms?
- Best-first search
- Hill-climbing search
- Depth-first search
- State-space search
Ans : D
101. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1: Sudoko is an example of constraint satisfaction problem
S2: Constraint satisfaction problem does not allow backtracking.
- Statement s1 is true and s2 is true
- Statement s1 is true and s2 is false
- Statement s1 is false and s2 is true
- Statement s1 is false and s2 is false
Ans : B
102. _____algorithm is generally used in Constraint Satisfaction Problem?
- Breadth-first search algorithm
- Depth-first search algorithm
- Hill-climbing search algorithm
- Best First Search algorithm
Ans : B
103. CSPs are :
- ways of formulating problems using variables and constraints
- problems that come in the way of satisfying constraints
- problems that arise after constraint satisfaction
- none of the given
Ans : B
104. Consider a problem of preparing a time-table schedule for a class of
student. What type of problem is this?
- Searching Problem
- Backtrack Problem
- Constraint Satisfaction Problem
- Planning Problem
Ans : C
105. Choose correct statement/statements
S1:A* algorithm works based on heuristic methods and this helps achieve
S2:A* algorithm is complete
- Statement s1 is true and s2 is true
- Statement s1 is true and s2 is false
- Statement s1 is false and s2 is true
- Statement s1 is false and s2 is false
Ans : A
106. Which of the following step is not implemented to convert sentences to
- Eliminate bi-conditional implication
- Eliminate implication
- Applying horn’s clause
- Move negation sign inwards
Ans : A
107. Which of the following can be converted into CNF?
- Every sentence of propositional logic
- Every sentence of inference
- Every sentence of First Order Predicate Logic
- Both propositional and inference based sentences
Ans : C
108. In CNF, existentially quantified variables are replaced by a _ process.
- Recursion
- Iteration
- Skolemization
- Normalization
Ans : C
109 . Convert the following sentence in FOPL:
All mushrooms are either purple or poisonous.
- ∀X (mushroom(X) ⇒( purple(X) ν poisonous(X)))
- ∀X (mushroom(X) v ( purple(X) ν poisonous(X)))
- ∀X (mushroom(X) v (~ purple(X) ν poisonous(X)))
- ∀X (mushroom(X) < => purple(X) ν poisonous(X)))
Ans : C
110. What is the meaning of following FOPL statement:
∃x ∃y admires(x,y)
- Every one admires some one
- Some one admires every one
- Some one admires some one
- Every one admire every one
Ans: C
111. Which of the following are strong slot fillers
a) Scripts
b) Frames
c) Conceptual dependency
- Only b
- Only a and c
- Only a, b and c
- None of the given options
Ans : B
112. Bayesian Network can be used for building models from data and experts
opinions, and it consists of :
a)Directed Acyclic Graph
b)Table of conditional probabilities.
- Only a
- Only b
- Both a and b
- None of the given options
Ans : C
113. Choose the correct statement/statements
S1: Bayes’ theorem is helpful in weather forecasting
S2: If cancer corresponds to one’s age then by using Bayes’ theorem, we can
determine the probability of cancer more accurately with the help of age.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S2 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
114. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1: Frames are derived from semantic networks and later evolved into our
modern-day classes and objects.
S2: In frames, It is very easy to add slots for new attribute and relations.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S2 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
115. choose the correct statement/statements:
S1: Semantic networks are alternative of predicate logic for knowledge
S2:In Semantic networks, we can represent our knowledge in the form of
graphical networks.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S2 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
116. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1:Bayesian theory is only concerned about single evidences.
S2:Bayesian probability cannot describe ignorance.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S2 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
117. Which of the following primitive action would be used to represent the
word “run”.
Ans : B
118. It is given that Measure of Belief(M.O.B) value for hypothesis h1 in the
presence of evidence e1 is 0.2 then Measure of Disbelief(M.O.D) value for
hypothesis h1 in presence of evidence e1 will become____
- 0.8
- 0
- 1
- None of the given options
Ans : B
119. Which of the following are components of scripts?
a) Props
b) Roles
c) Scene
- Only a
- Only a and b
- All a,b and c
- None of the given options
Ans : C
120. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1:Certainity factor is a numeric value that tells us how likely an event is
suppose to be true
S2: Certainty factor value lies between -1 to 1
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S2 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
121. Referential Ambiguity exists when you are referring to something using the
- Noun
- Pronoun
- Adjective
- Adverb
Ans : B
122. Which of the following statement is correct:
S1: Parts of speech tagging determines all part-of -speech for a specific word
given as input
S2:Discourse Integration determines parse trees for a given sentence.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is false
Ans : B
123. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1: In alpha beta pruning, the alpha and beta values can be passed from parent
to child node.
S2: Space complexity of Mini-max algorithm is O(bm)
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
124. ____ phase scans the source code as a stream of characters and converts it
into meaningful lexemes.
- Syntactic phase
- Lexical phase
- Semantic phase
- Pragmatic phase
Ans: B
125. Do the POS tagging of the sentence “John sat a dog in the road”
- Noun, verb, determiner ,noun, preposition, determiner ,noun
- Noun, adjective ,determiner ,noun, preposition ,determiner ,noun
- Adjective, verb ,determiner ,noun, preposition, determiner ,noun
- Noun, verb ,determiner, noun ,preposition ,determiner ,Adverb
Ans : A
126. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1: Syntactic Ambiguity exists in the presence of two or more possible
meanings of the sentence within a single word.
S2: Lexical Ambiguity exists in the presence of two or more possible meanings
within the sentence.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is false
Ans : D
127. Choose the type of spell checking error for the given word “wellcomee”
- Typographic error
- Orthographic error
- Phonetic error
- None of the given option
Ans : A
128. _____focuses on the literal meaning of words, phrases, and sentences.
- Syntactic phase
- Semantic phase
- Semantic phase
- Semantic phase
Ans : B,C,D
129. S1:NLU is mainly used in Business applications to understand the customer’s
problem in both spoken and written language.
S2:NLG is mainly involves Text planning, Sentence planning, and Text
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
130. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1: Tokenization is essentially splitting a phrase, sentence, paragraph, or an
entire text document into smaller units, such as individual words or terms
S2:Tokenization is important because the meaning of the text could easily be
interpreted by analyzing the words present in the text.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
131. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1: Genetic algorithm uses population of solutions rather than a single solution
for searching.
S2: In gaussian mutation, we add a randomly generated number to the existing
value at the selected location.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S2 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
132. The following statement depicts an example of _
“A child walking, probably the first time that child sees an obstacle, he/she
may not know what to do. But afterward, whenever he/she meets obstacles,
she simply takes another route.”
- Genetic Algorithm
- Bayesian Network
- Artificial Neural Network
- None of the given options
Ans : A
133. Choose the correct statement:
S1: In Fuzzification, the mapping is done to convert the fuzzy results into crisp
S2: Defuzzification is the method of transforming a crisp quantity(set) into a
fuzzy quantity(set)
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S2 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
134. Which of the following is the stopping criteria in ANN?
a) The algorithm may be stopped when the time taken to execute exceeds
more than a threshold.
b) When the algorithm has a specified maximum number of epochs.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S1 is false and S2 is false
Ans: A
135. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1: Activation function in Artificial neural network is to introduce nonlinearity
to the network.
S2:Another important feature of the activation function is its ability to limit the
neuron’s output.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S2 is false and S2 is false
Ans : C
136. In genetic algorithm, ____is the addition of new characteristics into the
- Crossover
- Mutation
- Chromosomes
- None of the given options
Ans : C
137. In _ type of learning the agent decides what to do to perform the given
task. In the absence of training dataset, it is bound to learn from its
- Supervised
- Unsupervised
- Semi-supervised
- Reinforcement
Ans : D
138. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1: Customer clustering is done in supervised learning
S2: email classification(socials, promotions) is done in unsupervised learning
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S2 is false and S2 is false
Ans : B
139. In __, there is an intermediate value too present which is partially true and
partially false.
- Boolean logic
- Fuzzy logic
- Activation function
- None of the given option
Ans: B
140. Choose the correct statement/statements:
S1: Genetic algorithms (GAs) are a technique to solve problems which need
S2: The entire combination of genes is called phenotype.
- S1 is true and S2 is true
- S1 is false and S2 is true
- S1 is true and S2 is false
- S1 is false and S2 is false
Ans : A
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