Unit I
Introduction to Software Development: What is Software Development, Software Development
Life Cycle, Traditional Models for SDLC
Unit II
Introduction to DevOps: What is DevOps, Industry Importance of DevOps, DevOps Lifecycle,
Continuous Development, Continuous Testing, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration,
Continuous Monitoring of software throughout its development life cycle
Unit III
DevOps Trends: DevOps Market Trends, DevOps Engineer Skills, DevOps Delivery Pipeline, DevOps
Ecosystem, Role of a DevOps Engineer, Devops Tools: Git, Docker, Selenium, Maven, Jenkins, Puppet,
Ansible, Kubernetes, Nagios
Unit IV
Software Version Control: Understanding basics of version control, Control Concepts of different
types of Version Control Systems
Unit V
Overview to Git: Git Lifecycle, Common Git Commands, Working with Branches in Git, Git
Workflow, Working with Remote Repositories, Version controlling using Git, Source code management
with Git
Unit VI
Working with Maven: Introduction to maven, maven build lifecycle, maven repository, project
object model, maven dependencies, maven plugins, maven project structure
Study Materials: https://github.com/sauravhathi/lpu-cse/tree/master/Subjects/INT331%20-%20FUNDAMENTALS%20OF%20DEVOPS
Happy Learning – If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.