CSV Format: Sanvi is a data analyst. She is currently associated with a task where she has to display the item details in an ordered manner. All the details are in the CSV format which she to convert into the format given below in Sample Output. Help Sanvi by writing a code that takes the item details (Name, Deposit, and cost per day) in the CSV format and displays them accordingly.
Create a class ItemType with following attributes,
Attributes | Datatype |
name | String |
deposit | Integer |
costPerDay | Integer |
Include the methods in ItemType class
Method | Description |
display() | should print the Item details as specified |
Note: Input in CSV format: (name,deposit,costPerDay)
Refer to sample input/output for other further details and format of the output.
[All Texts in bold corresponds to the input and rest are output]
Sample Input/Output 1:
Enter the details of the Item type:
The entered item type is:
Name : Furniture
Deposit : 1000
Cost per day: 200.0
Sample Input/Output 2:
Enter the details of the Item type:
The entered item type is:
Name : Lights
Deposit : 500
Cost per day: 25
class ItemType:
# fill your code
def __init__(self, name, deposit, costPerDay):
self.name = name
self.deposit = deposit
self.costPerDay = costPerDay
def display(self):
# fill your code
print("The entered item type is:")
print("Name : {}".format(self.name))
print("Deposit : {}".format(self.deposit))
print("Cost per day: {:.0f}".format(self.costPerDay))
details = raw_input("Enter the details of the Item type:\n")
# fill your code
details = details.split(",")
item = ItemType(details[0], int(details[1]), float(details[2]))
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