[Solved] Name Comparision Problem with Python

Name Comparision: Ram works in sales department where he has to check the items and vendors names and make a list of same items and different items. He thought doing it manually doing it will consume more time and energy. So he asks Chandan, his friend who works as software engineer to write a code that compares the names of the items and tell whether they are same or different. Chandan starts writing the code but he needs help to code. Help Chandan to write a python code as Ram requires.

Create Item class in ‘Item.py’ with following attributes

Attributes Datatype
name str
vendor str

Override equals method  eq() in Item class and compare Item name(ignore case)

Get the Inputs in and print the output in ‘Main.py’.

Name Comparision Problem

Input format:

Input consists of 4 strings indicating Item-1 and its vendor, Item-2 and its vendor.
Create two different objects for Item and comapre the Item’s name.

Output format:

The output displays "Both Items are same" if the item names are same. And displays"Items are different" if they are different

Print the output statement in Main class ‘Main.py’.

Refer Sample input and output for better understanding.

All text in Bold refers to input and rest correspond to output.

Sample Input/Output-1:

Enter item 1
Item name:
Vendor name:
Enter item 2
Item name:
Vendor name:
Both items are same

Sample Input/Output-2:

Enter item 1
Item name:
Vendor name:
Enter item 2
Item name:
Vendor name:
Items are different


class Item:
    def __init__(self, name, vendor):
        self.name = name
        self.vendor = vendor

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.name.lower() == other.name.lower()
# sauravhathi
from Item import Item

item1 = Item(input("Enter item 1\nItem name: "), input("Vendor name: "))
item2 = Item(input("Enter item 2\nItem name: "), input("Vendor name: "))
if item1 == item2:
    print("Both items are same")
    print("Items are different")

Happy Learning – If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.

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Saurav Hathi

Saurav Hathi

I'm currently studying Bachelor of Computer Science at Lovely Professional University in Punjab.

📌 Nodejs and Android 😎
📌 Java

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