Strobogrammatic Number ll: Given a length ‘N’, you need to find all the strobogrammatic numbers of length ‘N’.
A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated by 180.
In other words, a number that on rotating right side up and upside down appears the same is a strobogrammatic number.
‘986’ is a strobogrammatic number because on rotating ‘986’ by 180 degrees, ‘986’ will be obtained.
![[Solved] Strobogrammatic Number ll Contest Problem [Solved] Strobogrammatic Number ll Contest Problem](
For Example:
If N = 2, all the strobogrammatic numbers of length = 2 are “11”, “88”, “69”, “96”.
Strobogrammatic Number ll Contest Problem
Input Format:
The first line contains an integer ‘T’, denoting the number of test cases. The first line of each test case contains a single integer denoting ‘N’.
Output Format:
For each test case, print space-separated strings denoting strobogrammatic numbers of the given length. Print the output of each test case in a separate line.
You don’t need to print anything. It has already been taken care of. Just implement the given function.
1 <= T <= 5 1 <= N <= 7 Where ‘T’ is the number of test cases, and ‘N’ is the given length. Time Limit: 1 sec
Sample Input 1:
2 3 1
Sample Output 1:
101 111 181 609 619 689 808 818 888 906 916 986 0 1 8
Explanation For Sample Input 1:
Test Case 1: All the possible Strobogrammatic numbers of length = 3 are “101”, “111”, “181”, “609”, “619”, “689”, “808”, “818”, “906”, “916”, “986”. Test Case 2: Strobogrammatic numbers of length = 1 are “0”, “1”, and “8”.
Sample Input 2:
2 4 2
Sample Output 2:
1001 1111 1691 1881 1961 6009 6119 6699 6889 6969 8008 8118 8698 8888 8968 9006 9116 9696 9886 9966 11 69 88 96
Explanation For Sample Input 2:
Test Case 1: All the possible Strobogrammatic numbers of length = 4 are printed. Test Case 2: All the possible Strobogrammatic numbers of length = 2 are printed.
Approach: Out of all the 10 digits, 0,1,6,8,9 will give a valid digit when rotated upside down(top part turned to bottom).
After rotating upside down digits will be-
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
6 -> 9
8 -> 8
9 -> 6
So We have to form numbers using only 0,1,6,8,9.
The basic idea is that we will reduce the problem into small problems. We will recursively solve the problem for length = length – 2. And then add digits out of (0,1,6,8,9) at the starting and the corresponding digits (0,1,9,8,6) at the end.
Recursion will be stopped when len = 0 and len – 1.
If len = 0, we will return an empty string and in case len = 1, we will return three strings “1”, “0”, “8” as these are the strobogrammatic numbers with pen = 1.
Let us understand this with an example for N = 4.
![[Solved] Strobogrammatic Number ll Contest Problem [Solved] Strobogrammatic Number ll Contest Problem](
- Let ‘findStrobogrammatic’ be the recursive function that will return an array of strings denoting all the strobogrammatic numbers.
- The recursive function will take ‘N’, denting the length given, and ‘len’ initialized as ‘N’.
- Base Cases
- If ‘N’ is ‘0’, return the empty string.
- If ‘N’ is ‘1’ return “1”, “0”, “8”.
- Recursively call for ‘N’ and ‘len-2’ and store the result of this recursive call in an array of strings “prev”.
- Initialize an array of strings “res” to store the strings after adding digits at start and end of the strings in “prev”.
- Run a loop i: 0 to (size of “prev” – 1) to traverse all the strings in “prev”.
- If N is not equal to len, add “0” + prev[ i ] “0”to “res”.
- Add “1” + prev[ i ] +“1” to “res”.
- Add “6” + prev[ i ] +“9” to “res”.
- Add “8” + prev[ i ] +“8” to “res”.
- Add “9” + prev[ i ] +“6” to “res”
- Return “res”.
Time Complexity
O(5^N), where ‘N’ is the given length.
Since for every pair of digits in the strobogrammatic number, we have 5 choices(0, 1, 6, 8, 9), and we are iterating over each of them. Therefore, the time complexity is O(5^N).
Space Complexity
O(5^N), where ‘N’ is the given length.
Since for every pair of digits in the strobogrammatic number, we have 5 choices(0, 1, 6, 8, 9), and there would be ‘N/2’ pairs. So there will be approximately 5^(N) strobogrammatic numbers of length ‘N’. Therefore, space complexity is O(5^N).
Time Complexity : O(5^N)
Space Complexity : O(5^N)
Where 'N' is the given length.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Solution {
public static ArrayList<String> findStrobogrammaticHelper(int n, int len){
ArrayList<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
// If len = 0, return empty string.
if (len == 0) {
return res;
if (len == 1) {
return res;
// Recursively call for len = len - 2.
ArrayList<String> prev = findStrobogrammaticHelper(n, len - 2);
// Iterate through all strings in "prev".
for (int i = 0; i < prev.size(); i++) {
// Add digits around string prev[i].
if (len != n) {
res.add("0" + prev.get(i) + "0");
res.add("1" + prev.get(i) + "1");
res.add("6" + prev.get(i) + "9");
res.add("8" + prev.get(i) + "8");
res.add("9" + prev.get(i) + "6");
return res;
public static ArrayList<String> findStrobogrammatic(int n) {
// Recursive function to find all strobogrammatic numbers.
ArrayList<String> ans = findStrobogrammaticHelper(n, n);
return ans;
Time Complexity : O(5^N)
Space Complexity : O(5^N)
Where 'N' is the given length.
vector < string > findStrobogrammaticHelper(int n, int len) {
// If len = 0, return empty string.
if (len == 0) {
return vector < string > ({ "" });
if (len == 1) {
return vector < string > ({"0", "1", "8" });
// Recursively call for len = len - 2.
vector < string > prev = findStrobogrammaticHelper(n, len - 2);
// Initialize vector of strings to store resulting strings.
vector < string > res;
// Iterate through all strings in "prev".
for (int i = 0; i < prev.size(); i++) {
// Add digits around string prev[i].
if (len != n) {
res.push_back("0" + prev[i] + "0");
res.push_back("1" + prev[i] + "1");
res.push_back("6" + prev[i] + "9");
res.push_back("8" + prev[i] + "8");
res.push_back("9" + prev[i] + "6");
return res;
vector < string > findStrobogrammatic(int n) {
// Recursive function to find all strobogrammatic numbers.
vector < string > ans = findStrobogrammaticHelper(n, n);
return ans;
Time Complexity : O(5^N)
Space Complexity : O(5^N)
Where 'N' is the given length.
def findStrobogrammaticHelper( n, lenn):
# If len = 0, return empty string.
if (lenn == 0):
return [""]
if (lenn == 1):
return ['0','1','8']
# Recursively call for len = len - 2.
prev = findStrobogrammaticHelper(n, lenn - 2)
# Initialize vector of strings to store resulting strings.
# Iterate through all strings in "prev".
for i in range(len(prev)):
# Add digits around string prev[i].
if (lenn != n):
res.append("0" + prev[i] + "0")
res.append("1" + prev[i] + "1")
res.append("6" + prev[i] + "9")
res.append("8" + prev[i] + "8")
res.append("9" + prev[i] + "6")
return res
def findStrobogrammatic(n):
# Recursive function to find all strobogrammatic numbers.
ans = findStrobogrammaticHelper(n, n)
return ans
Happy Learning – If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.