Sum of Elements: Write a program to get size of list and elements of the list and to find the sum of all the numbers inside the list, with the help of Lambda Expression and display the sum of elements.
Input Format:
The first line of input corresponds to the size of list ‘n’.
The next ‘n’ line of input corresponds to the elements in the list .
Refer sample input for formatting specifications.
Output Format:
The output consists of sum of elements in the list.
Refer sample output for formatting specifications.
Problem Constraints:
n > 0 print the sum of the elements in the list, else display as “Invalid Input“.
Sample Input/Output 1:
Enter the number of elements in list
Enter the elements
The sum of of elements in list is 193
Sample Input/Output 2:
Enter the number of elements in list
Invalid Input
Additional Sample TestCases
Sample Input and Output 1 :
Enter the number of elements in list6 Enter the elements 5 8 10 20 50 100 The sum of of elements in list is 193
Sample Input and Output 2 :
Enter the number of elements in list0 Invalid Input
n = int(input("Enter the number of elements in list\n"))
if n > 0:
list = []
print("Enter the elements")
for i in range(n):
# cal sum
l = lambda x: sum(x)
print("The sum of of elements in list is",l(list))
print("Invalid Input")
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