
[Solved] Number of Excellent Pairs LeetCode Contest Problem

[Solved] Number of Excellent Pairs LeetCode Contest Problem

You are given a 0-indexed positive integer array nums and a positive integer k. A pair of numbers (num1, num2) is called excellent if the following conditions are satisfied: Both the numbers num1 and num2 exist in the array nums. The sum of the number of set bits in num1 OR num2 and num1 AND num2 is greater than…

[Solved] First Letter to Appear Twice LeetCode Contest Problem

[Solved] First Letter to Appear Twice LeetCode Contest Problem

Given a string s consisting of lowercase English letters, return the first letter to appear twice. Note: A letter a appears twice before another letter b if the second occurrence of a is before the second occurrence of b. s will contain at least one letter that appears twice. First Letter to Appear Twice LeetCode Contest…

[Solved] User notification with Java

[Solved] User notification with Java

User notification: It is an important aspect for every application to be as user-friendly as possible. So that means it needs to send mails, messages whenever needed to the users. Write a thread program that sends the users notification after…

[Solved] Event Scheduling with Java

[Solved] Event Scheduling with Java

Event Scheduling: Our fair is stretching for months and the users need to know the count of events for each month so that they can manage their time and monetary balances accordingly. So let’s create a part of our application…

[Solved] Event entry with Java

[Solved] Event entry with Java

Event entry: The Fair participants will be given RFID tags that allow them to enter or exit a stall, events seamlessly. The Entry/Exit entries will be connected to the mainframe server. Any organizer should be able to monitor the crowd…

[Solved] Ticket Booking with Java

[Solved] Ticket Booking with Java

In our application, booking and cancelling tickets are some important features. As every user uses it to book/cancel tickets for every event So we need to make it as quick and safe as possible. We are gonna use the synchronized…

[Solved] Crowd pattern with Java

[Solved] Crowd pattern with Java

Crowd pattern: Let’s develop a feature for the exhibition organizers. Given the number of persons entering the exhibition on an hourly basis from 9 AM, analyze the crowd pattern on different intervals. The exhibition starts from 9 AM ends at 9…

[Solved] Profit or Loss with Java

[Solved] Profit or Loss with Java

Profit or Loss: We are going to create a console application that can estimate whether the booking is a profit or loss, thereby enabling hall owners to reduce or increase expenses depending on the status. Hence if several Booking details…