
[Solved] Expression Evaluation with Java

[Solved] Expression Evaluation with Java

Expression Evaluation: In the Mini project 7th module is to evaluate the expression y = x + x^2+……..+x^n. Rita allotted this function to Malini. Collect and display the values returned by the called function. Test your program and report the…

[Solved] Abstract Class FundTransfer with Java

[Solved] Abstract Class FundTransfer with Java

Abstract Class FundTransfer: Let’s try an application like a fund transfer for our larger application. So, in fund transfer, there are 3 types of NEFT We can create an abstract class FundTransfer. And extend it in the child classes. Create an abstract…

[Solved] 2024 Java Test Coding Problem Solution

[Solved] 2024 Java Test Coding Problem Solution

1 . Write a program to concatenate two string using lambda expressions. The lambda expression takes two strings as argument and returns the concatenated string. Input format The input consists of two strings. Output format The output prints the concatenated…

[Solved] Valid Initial Configuration with Java

[Solved] Valid Initial Configuration with Java

Valid Initial Configuration: Nurikabe logical game (sometimes called Islands in the Stream) is a binary determination puzzle. The puzzle is played on a typically rectangular grid of cells, some of which contain numbers. You must decide for each cell if…

MCQs 2024Java Test

MCQs 2024Java Test

1. Which of the following will import only static members of java.util.Arrays class? Ans: import static java.util.Arrays; 2. Which of the following is not a property of a JVM? Ans: It prevents Java bytecode from being easily decoded 3. Object…

[Solved] Duplicate mobile number exception with Java

[Solved] Duplicate mobile number exception with Java

Duplicate mobile number exception: Write a java program to find the duplicate mobile number using the exception handling mechanism. Strictly adhere to the Object-Oriented specifications given in the problem statement. All class names, attribute names and method names should be…

[Solved] Parse Exception with Java

[Solved] Parse Exception with Java

Parse Exception: For our application, we would have obtained date inputs. If the user enters a different format other than specified, an Invalid Date Exception occurs and the program is interrupted. To avoid that, handle the exception and prompt the user to…