
[Solved] Apple Redistribution into Boxes leetcode C++,JAVA, Python

Apple Redistribution

You are given an array apple of size n and an array capacity of size m. There are n packs where the ith pack contains apple[i] apples. There are m boxes as well, and the ith box has a capacity of capacity[i] apples. Return the minimum number of boxes you need to select to redistribute these n packs of apples into boxes. Note that, apples…

[Solved] Negative Prefix C++,Java, Python

Negative Prefix

Given an array A[] of N integers. In each operation, Geek can increase the ith element by 1 (i.e set A[i] = A[i]+1 where 1 < i < N).The task is to calculate the minimum number of operations required such that there is no prefix in the array A[] whose sum…

[Solved]  Shortest and Lexicographically Smallest Beautiful String C++, Java , Python


You are given a binary string s and a positive integer k. A substring of s is beautiful if the number of 1‘s in it is exactly k. Let len be the length of the shortest beautiful substring. Return the lexicographically smallest beautiful substring of string s with length equal to len. If s doesn’t contain a beautiful substring, return an empty string. A…