
[Solved] Adjacent characters with Java

[Solved] Adjacent characters with Java

Adjacent characters: Given a string, write a program to compute a new string where identical chars that are adjacent in the original string are separated from each other by a “*” Input and Output Format: Refer sample input and output…

[Solved] Mid Aged with Java

[Solved] Mid Aged with Java

Mid Aged: The Pan Am 73 flight from Bombay to New York en route Karachi and Frankfurt was hijacked by a few Palestinian terrorists at the Karachi International Airport. The senior flight purser Neerja Banhot withered her fear and helped…

[Solved] Best Mobile Plan with Java, Python

[Solved] Best Mobile Plan with Java, Python

Best Mobile Plan: St. Patrick Convent organizes a project exhibition “Innovative Minds” every year with an objective to provide the platform and unleash the potential of the students by showcasing their innovative projects.Albert is a science expert and is a…

[Solved] Nice Number with Java

[Solved] Nice Number with Java

Nice Number: “The Greatest Furniture Expo” is a biggest fair exhibiting furniture products, services and equipment, interior services, decoration plans, modular kitchen accessories, bedroom furniture, stylish sittings etc in the Furniture industry. It is a 4-day event and on the…

[Solved] Age – 2 with Java

[Solved] Age - 2 with Java

Age – 2: The Pan Am 73 flight from Bombay to New York en route Karachi and Frankfurt was hijacked by a few Palestinian terrorists at the Karachi International Airport. The senior flight purser Neerja Banhot withered her fear and…

[Solved] Exception Handling with Java

[Solved] Exception Handling with Java

Write a program that takes as input the size of the array and the elements in the array. The program then asks the user to enter a particular index and prints the element at that index. This program may generate ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.…