
[Solved] Maximise Sum C++, Java , Python

Maximise Sum

You are given an array A consisting of N positive integers. You are allowed to do the following operation any number of times: Find the maximum value of ∑i=1N​Ai​ that you can achieve after any (possibly zero) number of operations. Input Format Output Format For each test case,…

[Solved] Construct Product Matrix C++, Java, Python

Product Matrix

Given a 0-indexed 2D integer matrix grid of size n * m, we define a 0-indexed 2D matrix p of size n * m as the product matrix of grid if the following condition is met: Return the product matrix of grid. Example 1:Input: grid = [[1,2],[3,4]] Output: [[24,12],[8,6]] Explanation: p[0][0] = grid[0][1] * grid[1][0] * grid[1][1]…