
[Solved] Calculator with Python

[Solved] Calculator with Python

Calculator: Two integers were given to Vikas, and he has to print the calculation as per his choice of the calculator option. Help Vikas to find the calculation operation.In this problem, we have to enter the two integers and print…

[Solved] Remove the occurrence with C++

[Solved] Remove "the" occurrence with C++

Remove “the” occurrence: After the weekend holidays, schools opens today. The class teacher found many students were absent. So very next day when students reach class, she announced to submit leave letter. Shrawanti has the habit of including the word…

[Solved] Spiral Matrix IV LeetCode Contest Problem

[Solved] Spiral Matrix IV LeetCode Contest Problem

Spiral Matrix IV: You are given two integers m and n, which represent the dimensions of a matrix. You are also given the head of a linked list of integers. Generate an m x n matrix that contains the integers in the linked list presented in spiral order (clockwise), starting…

[Solved] Decode the Message LeetCode Contest Problem

[Solved] Decode the Message LeetCode Contest Problem

Decode the Message: You are given the strings key and message, which represent a cipher key and a secret message, respectively. The steps to decode message are as follows: Use the first appearance of all 26 lowercase English letters in key as the order of the substitution table. Align the substitution…

[Solved] Simplified Fraction with C++, Java

[Solved] Simplified Fraction with C++, Java

Simplified Fraction: St. Patrick Convent organizes a project exhibition “Innovative Minds” every year with an objective to provide the platform and unleash the potential of the students by showcasing their innovative projects. Pasha is a smart high school student and…