
[Solved] Detecting Palindromes String with Java

[Solved] Detecting Palindromes String with Java

Detecting Palindromes: A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sentence that reads the same backwards and forwards. For example, the word “radar” is a palindrome. For this problem, you must write a program that reads a string of characters and prints whether…

[Solved] YODA String with Java

[Solved] YODA String with Java

Description: As a young jedi you must learn to converse with Yoda. You have found a simple rule that helps change a “normal” sentence into “Yoda talk”. Take the first two words in the sentence and place them at the…

[Solved] RILED String with Java

[Solved] RILED String with Java

RILED: Oh my God!!! Someone is trying to break into Anna University’s Database and steal sensitive research information. It is now up to us to stop this attack. Fortunately our defense mechanisms have traced the attacks to their source. The…

[Solved] Letter Frequency with Java

[Solved] Letter Frequency with Java

Letter Frequency: Write a program to compute the frequency of each lowercase letter in the string. Input and Output Format: Input consists of a string. Assume that all characters in the string are lowercase letters and the maximum length of…