TCS Company Specific 2021 Programming Questions

1. What will be the output of below C program? #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int a = 25, b; int *ptr, *ptr1; ptr = &a; ptr1 = &b; b = 36; printf(“%d %d”,*ptr, *ptr1); return 0; } 25 45632845 25 36…
Empowering coders, one solution at a time
Empowering coders, one solution at a time
1. What will be the output of below C program? #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int a = 25, b; int *ptr, *ptr1; ptr = &a; ptr1 = &b; b = 36; printf(“%d %d”,*ptr, *ptr1); return 0; } 25 45632845 25 36…