
10+ Java Project With Source Code

Java Projects

Java is a popular programming language that is widely used for building various types of applications, such as web, mobile, and desktop. It is an object-oriented programming language, which means that it is based on the concept of “objects”, which…

[Solved] File handling introduction with Java


File handling introduction: File handling is an important technique that you need to accustom to it. File reading and writing are types of handling. Let’s practice file reading for now. There is a Class called FileReader that will help us with file…

[Solved] Tile Game with Java


Tile Game: In connection to the National Mathematics Day celebration, the Regional Mathematical Scholars Society had arranged for a Mathematics Challenge Event where school kids participated in large number. Many interesting math games were conducted, one such game that attracted…

[Solved] Street Lights with Java

[Solved] Street Lights with Java

One of the streets in your city has a total of L street lights. Each light i covers the street from Xi to Yi distance. Find the length of street covered with light. Input Specification: input1: L, denoting the number…